Edgecombe County, NC Register Of Deeds - Aisha M. Windross
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Regarding use of Online Public Records

The Edgecombe County, Recorder is pleased to offer online access to our Indexing System. Our users should be aware of several items.

  1. While the Recorder's Office has attempted to preserve the accuracy of this online version, these records are not official and the Edgecombe County, Recorder will not be responsible for any inaccuracies that may be encountered. Only the Official Public Records of Edgecombe County provided in the Edgecombe County, Recorder's offices shall be referenced as the Official Public Records.

  2. By using this service, in any form, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Edgecombe County, Recorder and anyone involved in storing, retrieving, or displaying this information for any damage of any type that may be caused by retrieving this information over the Internet.

  3. Records available in this search consist of released records. The term "released" means the records have been recorded, indexed, verified and released for general public viewing. Please note that there may be records that have been assigned Official numbers but not yet completely indexed or available on this search.

  4. Please understand that indexed instruments may be visible several days before the actual scanned documents are available.



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